Termux Commands List for Beginners in 2025
In this article, I am sharing full list of Termux commands along with the description and uses.
Termux commands for Package management
Termux Commands | Uses |
pkg search PACKAGE NAME HERE | Search for a specific package. |
pkg install PACKAGE NAME HERE | Install a package. |
pkg uninstall PACKAGE NAME HERE | Remove a package. |
pkg reinstall PACKAGE NAME HERE | Reinstall a package. |
pkg show PACKAGE NAME HERE | Get detailed information about the package. |
pkg-list-installed |
View installed Termux packages. |
pkg-list-all |
See all available packages for Termux. |
pkg autoclean |
Remove unneeded packages. |
pkg clean | Clear the local cache of downloaded packages. |
pkg files PACKAGE NAME HERE | Shows the location of the files. |
pkg update | Update Termux packages. |
pkg upgrade | Upgrade Termux packages. |
pkg update && pkg upgrade -y | Update and Upgrade the Termux packages. |
Termux basic shell commands
Termux Commands | Uses |
history | View previously typed commands. |
cal | Display the calendar. |
date | Shows the current date. |
help | Get information about shell built-in commands. |
exit | Close Termux. |
uptime | Show system uptime. |
df | Display available disk space. |
find | Search for files. |
su | Change user ID or become superuser. |
echo | Write arguments to the standard output. |
passwd | Change the user's password. If no user is specified, change the password for the current user. |
du | Summarize disk space used for each FILE and/or directory. |
whoami | Displays user, group, and privileges information for the user who is currently logged on to the local system. |
ifconfig | Configure network interface parameters. |
ping | Send ICMP ECHO_REQUEST to network hosts. |
netstat | Print network connections, routing tables, interface statistics, masquerade connections, and multicast memberships. |
sleep | Suspends program execution for a specified time. |
Termux commands for File Management
Termux Commands | Uses |
ls | List information about files and directories within the file system. |
touch FILENAME | Create a new file. |
cat FILENAME | cat command is used to display the contents of a file. |
cp | cp command is used to create a copy of a file. |
mv | mv command is used to move a file from source to destination. |
rm FILENAME | delete a file |
rm -rf DIRECTORY NAME | Force delete the given directory. |
mkdir NEW DIRECTORY NAME | Create a new directory. |
rmdir DIRECTORY NAME | Remove a directory. |
cd DIRECTORY NAME | Change the directory. |
pwd | Prints the current working directory. |
chmod 777 FILENAME | Modify the permission of the file. Anyone can read, write, and execute the file. |
Some additional Termux commands
Termux Commands | Uses |
zip FILENAME | Compress a file. |
unzip FILENAME | Decompress a file. |
wget URL HERE | Download a file from the web. |
git clone URL OF GITHUB HERE | Clone the packages from Github to your system. |
env | Allows you to display your current environment or run a specified command in a changed environment. |
termux-setup-storage | Grant Termux to access the device storage. |
Detailed description of each Termux Commands
Here is a detailed description:
Search for package:
pkg search is used to search for a particular package. You can use the pkg search to search for Termux packages
pkg search package name
For example:
pkg search metasploit
Install package
The pkg install installs Termux packages that are not currently installed and updates packages that are already installed.
pkg install package name
For example:
pkg install metasploit
By using the above command, Metasploit will be installed. If you want to install another package, then remove the Metasploit and then type the name of your own package.
Uninstall package
The Uninstall package, is used to uninstall a package or a tool.
pkg uninstall package name
pkg uninstall metasploit
By typing the above command, Metasploit will be uninstalled.
Reinstall a package in Termux
If you want to reinstall the Termux packages to the same versions as were previously installed, then you can use this command. The pkg reinstall will first uninstall and then install the package back again to your Termux
pkg reinstall package name
pkg reinstall metasploit
Get detailed info about the package
pkg show is generally used to show detailed information about a particular package. Use it to get detailed information about the package.
pkg show package name
pkg show package name
List installed Termux packages
Use this to get the list of all packages that are currently installed in your Termux.
List all Termux packages
pkg list-all is used to get a list of all available packages for the Termux. Use this to see the list of all available packages.
pkg list-all
Show the location of files
pkg files used to show the location of installed files and packages in the Termux.
pkg files package name
pkg files metasploit
Update and Upgrade Termux packages
pkg update && pkg upgrade -y is the mixture of two commands separated by &&. You can use multiple commands in Termux by adding && to the Termux.
First, the pkg update will get executed, and then the pkg upgrade will get executed. -y is used to prompt yes.
In simple words, this It will update and upgrade your Termux packages.
pkg update && pkg upgrade -y
Clear Termux screen
Use this to clear the Termux screen
Print the current working directory
Use this to print the working directory, That means the command will give you a location of the current directory in which you are present.
Change directory
You can use this to change the directory. You can easily move from one directory to another by using this command. The example is given below.
cd $HOMEcd /sdcard
The first command will take you to the Termux home directory, while another will take you to the SD card of your Android device.
Going back to the directory
cd ..cd ../../
See the files and folder of the current directory
Use this to see the files and folders that are present in the current directory.
ls -lha
Copy files - cp
cp is used to copy the file from one directory to another. For example, I have a file that is present on the SD card, and the name of the file is "document". If I want to move that document to the Termux home directory, then the following command will be used:
cp /sdcard/document $HOME
Move files - mv
mv is used to copy files from one folder to another. The procedure is the same as the above command just use mv instead of cp if you want to move the file.
Delete files and folder
rm is used to delete files in the directory or a folder. rm -rf used to delete the folder and its content. For example, if I want to delete a folder named "Document", then I will use the following command to delete that folder.
rm -rf Document
Change permission of file and folder
chmod is used to change the permission of the file and folder. Sometimes some files have only permission to read. To change the permission of a file from reading to read write and execute, we will use the following command:
Read or create a file
To read any text, HTML, python file, etc cat command is used. For example, if I want to read the content of "document.txt", Then I will use the following command:
cat document.txt
zip is the popular command of the Termux. The Zip is used to compress and decompress a particular file or folder.
pkg install zip
Create and remove the directory
mkdir is used to make directories, while rmdir is used to remove directories.
For example, I want to create a directory/folder named Termux, then I will use the following command:
mkdir Termux
mkdir Termux
Shows the size of the object in the specified folder.
df Termux
Exit The Termux
Use this to close the Termux.
Open a file
Open the file with the default application associated with it. For example, I want to open the "readme.txt" file. Then I will use the following command:
open readme.txt
Ping is used to ping an IP address or a website to ensure the reachability of a device to a specific web or IP address. Example:
open google.com
Show calender
Use this to show the calendar.
Show date
Use this to print the date.
Use it to see the history of the Termux commands that you had typed before.
Download file from Termux
The wget will let you download any file and Termux package from the URL. Usage of this command is mentioned below:
Wget package needs to be installed to use this command. You can install the wget by using the below command:
pkg install wget
Git clone
To clone the packages from Github, you will need a git clone command. Usage of this command is mentioned below:
pkg install git
If you want to know Termux in detail, you can read our below article:
What basic commands should I type After Installing Termux?
As you install Termux on your Android device, the Termux is not configured, and you can't install most of the packages from it. You must configure your Termux for better use by typing the following basic commands in Termux:
Installation of root repository
The below command will install the root repository in your Termux. After installing this repository, you can easily install packages that are present in the root repository.
pkg install root-repo
Installation of unstable repository
The below command will install the unstable repository in your Termux. After installing this repository, you can easily install packages that are present in the unstable repository.
pkg install unstable-repo
Installation of x11 repository
The below command will install the x-11 repository in your Termux. After installing this repository, you can easily install packages that are present in the x-11 repository.
pkg install x11-repo
Setup storage for Termux
The above command will allow the Termux to use your sd card storage. Most of the permission denied issues that you face while accessing the sd card will get fixed after typing this command.
Some Important Termux tools and commands:
Here I listed great Termux commands and tools that you would like to install in your Termux.
Installing Python
Python comes preinstalled on most Linux distributions, But in Termux, you have to install the Python manually. Most of the Termux tools will need Python to run. So Python must be installed in your Termux.
Install Python:
pkg install python
Installing Wget
Wget is a free GNU command-line utility tool used to download files from the internet. Through the wget tool, you can easily download any files from the internet to your Termux.
Install wget tool:
pkg install wget
Installing Zip
The Zip is used to compress or decompress any file. Zip come preinstalled in most of Linux distributions, But in Termux, you have to install the zip manually.
Install the zip:
pkg install zip
Wrapping Up
This is the end of this guide.
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